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What does it do?

It is a contract we use as a source of truth when it comes to configuration of bridges and assets. It is mainly used by our frontend to get a bridge or asset information by a tag, but the information can be used by anyone.


The contract is deployed here and these are the 4 relevant functions:

function getAsset(uint256 _assetId) public view returns (AssetData memory);

function getAsset(string memory _tag) public view returns (AssetData memory);

function getAssets() public view returns (AssetData[] memory);

function getBridges() public view returns (BridgeData[] memory);

The easiest way to access it, if already using the Aztec Connect Bridges repository is to execute the read() script in the DataProviderDeployment solidity file. It holds addresses for mainnet, testnet and devnet.

export network=<mainnet|testnet|devnet> && export simulateAdmin=false
forge script DataProviderDeployment --rpc-url $ETH_RPC_URL --sig "read()"

Usage by owner

Updating values stored in the data provider is only possible by the owner of the contract.

Before running the commands bellow export relevant environment variables:


Adding a bridge

cast send 0xB4319947947781FFe91dDf96A32aF2D4693FEf64 "addBridge(uint256,string)" "2" "ExampleBridge" --rpc-url $RPC --private-key $PRIV_KEY

Adding an asset

cast send 0xB4319947947781FFe91dDf96A32aF2D4693FEf64 "addAsset(uint256,string)" "2" "wsteth" --rpc-url $RPC --private-key $PRIV_KEY

Adding multiple assets and bridges

cast send 0xB4319947947781FFe91dDf96A32aF2D4693FEf64 "addAssetsAndBridges(uint256[],string[],uint256[],string[])" '[2,1]' '["wsteth","dai"]' '[5,8]' '["ExampleBridge_deposit","ExampleBridge_withdraw"]' --rpc-url $RPC --private-key $PRIV_KEY